Organisation name: CemeCon Scandinavia A/S
Country: Denmark

CemeCon Scandinavia A/S is a Danish ltd offering coating services to industrial customers. CemeCon Scandinavia was established in the beginning of 2004 as a spin-off company by previous key personnel the Danish Technological Institutes coating activity. CemeCon Scandinavia is among the world leading coating centres especially with respect to coating of advanced forming tools.
CemeCon Scandinavia holds two state-of-the-art CemeCon magnetron sputtering PVD units equipped with pulsed plasma- and booster technologies, and two ion-implantation facility, an automated decoating unit, advanced cleaning facilities, state-of-the-art blasting technologies (comprising wet-blasting) and various tribological test facilities.
CemeCon Scandinavia has close collaboration with its large numbers of industrial customers, and CemeCon Scandinavia collaborates on an international level with CemeCon AG in Germany and with several customers, institutes and universities in the field. The key personnel at CemeCon Scandinavia have about 22 years of experience with advanced industrial coating technologies, and have been involved in a large number of international R&D projects.
CemeCon Scandinavia has extensive experience in utilizing the CemeCon magnetron sputtering PVD units for
developing precise and controlled dry plasma etching of nano- and micro structures into tool surfaces. These technologies will be further developed in the IZADI project in order to establish controlled dry etching methods for etching nano-and micro-structures directly into tool steel or PVD coated tool steel.


K o n r a d   B i e n k
Project manager, R&D


C h r i s t e n   A .   S t r a e d e
[email protected]


E w a   B i e n k
[email protected]